by Sergio Plasencia | 12 April, 2019 | Academia, Colegio, Infantil, Nursery, Primaria, Secundaria
Les comunicamos que este año con motivo del Día del Libro, volvemos a preparar en Mayco I, nuestra tradicional Feria del Libro del 23 al 25 de abril, ambos incluidos. Les invitamos a visitarla en horario de 16:15 a 17:15h.
by Sergio Plasencia | 12 April, 2019 | Colegio, Primaria
Yesterdar the Easter Bunny visited our school. First and second graders could find some hidden eggs and enjoy them. They had a great time together!
by Sergio Plasencia | 09 April, 2019 | Colegio, Primaria
Today First Graders continue using their Ipads as a resource of their learning process. They used it for playing a Word Bingo, improving their reading and writing skills. They really had fun!
by Sergio Plasencia | 06 April, 2019 | Colegio, Primaria
During the next couple of weeks our Third Graders students are preparing their very own puppet shows, and putting up a show for their classmates in our Primary school. With this project kids are continuing to improve their presentation and speaking skills in this...
by Sergio Plasencia | 01 April, 2019 | Infantil, Primaria
La semana pasada disfrutamos de un espectáculo único, una obra maestra! El último taller de padres del curso culminó con un magnífico escenario montado por las mamis y los papis de los protagonistas de estas últimas semanas ¡Además realizaron tres fantásticas obras!...
by Jonathan Acevedo | 14 March, 2019 | Colegio, Primaria
During the last English Week, Primary Students designed and executed the exhibition “Underground London.” Parents were able to visit it throughout the week.